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How to know if you are becoming bald, and how to prevent it

By Prof. Dr. Soner Tatlidede 2020-01-16

how to know if you are becoming bald

If you wonder about how to know if you are becoming bald, you are not the only one. This is a question that many men -and women- ask themselves everyday when they look at the mirror and see that they are losing volume or density, or that their frontline is receding. And despite the fact that baldness is a problem very common and even natural, especially in men after certain age, it can be a source of concern and ending affecting our emotional health.

A very frequent solution nowadays is to ask about a hair transplant cost in Turkey and get an operation, like thousands of people do every year. However, losing hair can also be the first symptom of a more serious health problem. So, what causes hair loss? What are the first symptoms? Why do some men go bald? How can I save my hair? Let´s talk about all these issues and find the answers.

What causes hair loss?

We ourselves can detect the first symptoms of hair loss, especially when this loss is abnormal or excessive and reaches worrying levels. The most important thing to find the source of the problem and provide the best and proper treatment, is to consult a specialist as soon as we detect the first symptoms. In any case, remember that some factors like seasonal hair loss may cause an abnormal fall out of hair, but it´s temporary and the hair grows again later.

Among the causes than can provoke hair loss and ultimately baldness, there are the following:

  • Infections in the scalp
  • Stress and emotional shocks
  • Genetic heritance
  • Poor or imbalanced diet. Hair loss can also be provoked by eating disorders, such as anorexia or bulimia
  • Hormonal imbalances (thyroid problems, menopause, etc)
  • Some medications cause hair loss as a side effect
  • Using products, treatments or hairstyles too aggressive for hair or scalp

Can a DNA test predict if I´ll become bald?

A scientific study about genetic prediction of male pattern baldness that was published in 2017 by the University of Edinburgh, concluded that there are 287 genes in human DNA that may cause hair loss; interestingly, we can find 40 of them in the X chromosome, which we inherit directly not from men... but from our mothers.

So, researchers designed then a method to try to predict if a person is going to become bald in his lifetime and when it will happen, taking into account if he/she has these genes. However, the results show that genetics creates probabilities, but in the end the triggering factors are actually hormonal, which at the same time can be triggered by external factors.

This means that although certain genes can increase our likelihood of becoming bald, and we can identify the lower or higher risk of suffering baldness in the future by a DNA test, the fact is that it´s impossible to predict with a 100% of accuracy if this is going to happen or when, because there are many other factors that intervene.  

What are the first signs of balding?

Therefore, is there any way to know if I'm going to become bald? Well, as we just mentioned we cannot know it for sure, but there are a number of signs and factors that can signal the first stages of baldness. Let's see 5 ways to know if you´re going bald.

Hairs in the pillow and the shower

Every day we lose hair, and in fact losing between 50 and 100 follicles daily can be considered something normal; in some seasons of the year such as autumn, this figure may even increase. So, finding hairs on the pillow or in the shower does not mean that we are going to become bald; the problem is when the amount of hair is excessive, or when we lose entire strands. We must observe and see if it´s something temporary, or if we are facing a more serious problem.

Men: Losing hair in the forehead and the crown

Usually hair loss in men begins in the frontal area, with the receding of the frontline; losing hair in the top of the head (in the crown) is also another typical sign of male pattern baldness, which affects 80% of men.

Women: losing hair density

In what concerns to female baldness, hair loss usually begins at the forehead, or in the form of losing hair density. However, the good news is that in women this hair loss is often caused by temporary factors such as stress, postpartum, hormonal changes such as menopause, or a poor diet ... and many times it is reversible.

What age do men go bald? 

Why do men lose their hair as they get older? It´s a fact that age is one of the main factors triggering hair loss. There is not exact-math about this, but according to most of scientific studies, at 50 years old 50% of men are bald; and after 35, 40% of men have evident signs of hair loss.


Theoretically, there is a greater risk of suffering from baldness if we have baldness precedents in our family; but as we have seen before, studies suggest that there are other factors that can activate or not genes responsible of male pattern baldness, and these genes can be inherited both from men or women. Therefore, even if your father or grandfather is bald, that does not necessarily mean that you are going to be bald, too.

What can I do to save my hair?

In summary, genetics is not everything. A healthy lifestyle, a good diet or avoiding stress, can be decisive to save our hair. Now that you learned how to know if you are becoming bald, the most important thing is to seek a specialist when you see the first signs of hair loss. Remember that at Clinicana you have a free consultation online service at your disposal ... Don´t miss this chance!

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